A Stronger, Leaner You

with our

30-Day Fat Loss Program


Listen up Ladies and Gents!

  • How would you feel if you started this summer looking tight, toned, strong, and lean?
  • How would you feel if you had to buy smaller clothes in 30 Days?
  • How would you feel if you lost 3 inches from your waist?

If you’re answer is PRETTY AWESOME then the 30-Day Fat Loss Program is for YOU!

Everything mentioned above is EXACTLY what you can expect for yourself if you participate.

30-Day Fat Loss Program + Group Coaching from Nick & Julie + Community Support – $259 $229

Here’s How The 30-Day Fat Loss Program Works 


 We give you the 30-Day Exercise schedule for the month. It will tell you each day what type of workout to do with the exact exercises. There are pictures and videos so you know exactly what and how to do it. No gym necessary. Workouts can be tweaked to your specific ability.

 We give you specific nutrition guidelines to follow that will promote fat loss and accelerate your results. Combining the right exercise with the right meal plan makes all the difference! There is a sample meal plan and loads of resources to make creating healthy meals simple, easy, and fast.

 You will have individualized coaching and accountability from Nick & Julie EVERY DAY and the support of all the other participants via the private facebook group. We will be coaching and holding you accountable to your goals each and every day. This makes all the difference and is key to your success and follow through. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! 

What Is Included?

  • Daily coaching with Nick & Julie via a closed Facebook community forum
  • 30 Day Exercise Plan with both strength training and fat loss workouts (that can be done from home or the gym)
  • Videos demonstrations of exercises
  • Nutrition Guidelines which will help shed that stubborn body fat
  • 30 Day Sample Meal Plan to keep meals simple and easy
  • Exercise and Nutrition Trackers to help you stay accountable
  • Supplement Guide to enhance your results

What Can I Expect As A Result Of Going Through This Program?

  • You’ll have a stronger and leaner body
  • You’ll lose inches all over your body
  • You’ll gain more confidence, energy, and mental clarity 
  • You’ll understand how to exercise and eat for your body type
  • You’ll learn how to apply fat burning principles to your eating and exercise protocols
  • You’ll know what to do to maintain your lean and strong body after the 30 days
  • You’ll be equipped with the tools to continue your healthy habits 

Success Stories From Our 30-Day Fat Loss Program:


I thought I was doing the right things and eating mostly “healthy” but after working with Nick and Julie I learned that many of my so called “healthy” practices were actually making it harder for me to drop fat and get in the shape I wanted.

They taught me a few simple habit changes with my nutrition that transformed the way I eat. I thought I had to give up everything I loved, but that wasn’t the case at all.

As far as exercise, I learned that the long distance miles I was jogging wasn’t doing anything for my lower body strength or quickness and actually making it more difficult for me to lose fat.

My results speak for themselves. I went from 20% body fat to 9%. My energy went through the roof and I am much stronger and quicker now which feels great.

Because of how great I feel I have watched my new found confidence spill over into my professional and personal life in ways that I couldn’t have imagined. The best thing about the program is the habits I have formed which allow my health and fitness to remain a priority and be a maintainable part of my lifestyle.

Patrick Tigue

Managing Partner, Downtown Ecommerce

D_beforeafter-smallI just wanted to give a shout out to Julie and Nick!! Thank you so much for helping me with a life, health and body change. I feel great!

As I approach my 50s, I find some people just accept what happens to their bodies. But not me. Although I have some chronic spine issues, I am determined to not let it completely dictate my level of activity. What I have found is that no matter what prior injury or level of fitness you currently hold, Nick and Julie will help you discover a physical activity you can enjoy that will help you achieve your goals. I also learned some simple nutrition habits that helps keep off the weight that likes to creep on as we age. I hope I can inspire other women my age and above, even with spine, knee, or other health problems, that you absolutely can find an exercise that works for you. Okay, I’ll stop ranting and just say once again, THANK YOU! danette_circle

Danette Mohring

Massage Therapist

Signing up for the 30 Day Fat Loss program was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my body in a long time! The nutrition plan gave me amazing mental clarity and flattened my stomach within a matter of days. The exercise program was insanely easy and totally reversed gravity in the “key areas” women are so concerned about. But the best part was the Facebook group where we could share exercises and recipes with our peers and get advice and guidance from Nick and Julie. I highly recommend this fantastic investment in your health and physique!

Nicole Longstreath

Wardrobe Stylist

30-Day Fat Loss Program + Group Coaching from Nick & Julie + Community Support – $259 $229


This Is For You If:

  • You are ready to put in the work to get in shape but need some extra support, guidance, and accountability
  • You are looking for short fat burning workouts and strength training
  • You want specific nutrition recommendations to simplify eating and promote fat loss
  • You want to jumpstart your overall fitness and improve your health
  • You are going to take 100% responsibility and ownership of your actions, attitude, and results
  • You realize you must do the work and be consistent to get results

This Is NOT For You If:

  • You are looking for an individualized 1-on-1 coaching program, this is a group coaching program 
  • You are not ready to take full responsibility for your outcome
  • You don’t want to put in the time and do the work
  • You want a shortcut or a quick fix

How Is This Program Delivered?

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The program is delivered immediately upon purchase via downloadable PDFs. The above snapshot is a sample from the program. You’ll also be given instructions on how to join the private Facebook Community. We will begin the coaching program Monday, May 16th. 

FB Profile pic

Hi, we’re Julie & Nick from Saltwater Fit. 

We’re personal trainers and nutrition coaches that have been in your exact shoes. 

It wasn’t long ago the we struggled to stay fit, lean, and strong in our busy lives. There was never enough time to spend at the gym or in the kitchen to cook up healthy meals. The demands of our hectic schedules and careers made staying fit and lean seem impossible.

But after working with hundreds of clients over the past 6 years and experimenting on ourselves, we have learned there is a BETTER way!

We discovered by applying smart and efficient fat loss principles, you can become lean and strong without spending hours in the gym or eating boring, time-consuming meals.

And we want to share everything we learned with you.

That is why we created the 30-Day Fat Loss Program to give you the principles, methods, and tools we used to transform ourselves and also, the exact blueprint that we have used with hundreds of happy, healthy clients here in Costa Rica.

Check out how following the principles and methods in the 30-Day Fat Loss Program transformed us. Amazing, right? 30DayFatLoss

One aspect of this program that makes it fail proof is the community that is created via our private facebook group. Having a group of your peers to motivate and inspire you each day along with coaching and accountability from us sets you up for total success.

We are confident that if you do the work, you will get REAL RESULTS – that will make a difference in how you feel, look, think, and perform everyday. 

If you have any questions please email us – team@saltwaterfit.com – and we’ll get them answered right away.

Here’s to a leaner and stronger you!

Nick & Julie

P.S. This is a unique opportunity to be coached by us daily via our private Facebook group. Spots are limited so don’t miss out! 

30-Day Fat Loss Program + Group Coaching from Nick & Julie + Community Support – $259 $229

More Success Stories From Our 30-Day Fat Loss Program:

Luz Before and After smallWorking with Nick and Julie was a dream come true.  Together, through their guidance they helped me discover my deeper purpose for wanting to be healthy and how to use that to fuel my journey.

At first I wasn’t sure about the effectiveness of online coaching and if it was going to work in my busy lifestyle.  But Nick and Julie’s program was easy, maintainable, and worked. I was actually able to stick to it (that has never happened in the past).

Also, they helped me overcome my unhealthy eating patterns when dining out.  Nick and Julie’s program helped me create healthy habits and changed my relationship to food and fitness for the better.

I lost at total of 12 pounds and a total of 15 inches, 9 of those inches were in my waist. I am thrilled! Thanks Nick and Julie!

Luz Garcia

Human Resources Manager

I went from being a rabid sugar-aholic to being able to walk by my formerly beloved Ben and Jerry’s in the supermarket without blinking an eye. The best part about this program is that I have realized that good health is not about being perfect. It’s about making small changes and being healthy in the long-term.

Nicole Nelson

Fragrance Designer

Before joining this program my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic because I had elevated blood sugar. It was between 100-110 mg/dl. With in a few weeks of the program my sugars normalized and I was in the 80-90 mg/dl range. Learning how to approach eating in a different way not only helped me lose weight and inches on my waist, it also gave me lots of energy and took away the stress of worrying about developing diabetes.

Phil Eitman

Insurance Broker

This program has worked really well for me. I can feel a big difference since I started it. Not only are the nutrition guidelines easy to follow but also the short fat loss workouts are fabulous for me especially on the days that I work. I have been getting a ton of compliments from people. I have always struggled with the food, not with the working out, but now I believe I can manage this. I did not stop at 30 days and I have continued with it and will keep doing it. I can honestly say when I was lifting weights today I actually enjoyed looking at myself in the mirror, that would be the first for me.

Launa Miller Rushing

Registered Nurse

Exercise is one of those things that doesn’t come easily to me. I’m not athletic (never played sports) and I tried to convince myself that I could do rigorous yoga – but I just don’t like it. The 15-minute workouts in your program are just what I needed to get fit. Because I know it’s only going to take me a brief amount of time, I’m more motivated and more likely to complete a workout first thing in the morning.

Ryan Pennock

Personnel Analyst

The program was broken down in such a manageable way and really highlighted the key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle without seeming overwhelming or impossible to achieve. I have my confidence back! The program has shown me that I am capable of making small habit changes that over time become effortless. Before I would unwind by drinking wine and slumping on the couch in front of the TV. Now I come home and immediately put on my workout clothes to make sure that I get my exercise into my busy schedule. I lost 3 inches in my waist and 12 pounds! It is so motivating to see these results and I can’t wait to see how practicing HIIT continues to shape my body.

Kristen Morin

Wedding Coordinator

30-Day Fat Loss Program + Group Coaching from Nick & Julie + Community Support – $259 $229

Got questions?  Feel free to send us an email at team@saltwaterfit.com and one of us will get back to you within 24 hours.

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