This is the beginning of a 3-part series in which I give you a sneak peak behind the scenes of my remote coaching program so that you can see what progress looks like in its many various forms.

I’ll be profiling 3 of my clients (with their permission of course :)), their specific challenges and how we were able to overcome them so they GET RESULTS. (The specific and individualized results that they are after of course).


Although we all have different lifestyles, preferences, and body types many of the challenges we face are the same. Yes the solutions aren’t always the same, that is why one-size-fits-all diets/programs/solutions rarely last long term and why Nick & I offer individualized coaching.

But for now, I want to share Alei’s story and focus on 2 of the challenges we all face that can deeply impact our behavior and must be unearthed for real and lasting body change to happen.

Here’s what you can learn from a badass 42-yr old female professional who lost over 10 pounds, shed 5 inches and got stronger for her favorite Active Passion, surfing.

How Alei Lost 10 pounds & 5 Inches From Waist/Hips

When I first met Alei, one of her biggest challenges was figuring out how to consistently eat healthy within the constraints of her demanding job. She worked long hours and ate most meals away from home. When she did finally arrive at home she was exhausted and the last thing she wanted to do was cook a meal. At work the environment was far from fat loss friendly and made snacking out of stress or boredom entire too easily.

After 4 months in my online coaching program look at what she’s achieved:

You might be wondering how in the heck did she could accomplish this feat in that imperfect environment.

  • Did she follow strict eating rules?
  • Did she ban certain foods?
  • Did she severely reduce her caloric intake? 

All of these are fair questions and the answers are all NO.

One of the factors that allowed Alei to thrive towards her goals in this exact environment was becoming more aware of the “All Or Nothing Mindset”. This is a common mindset that I see in many of my clients, and even in myself at one point, that can be self sabotaging.

The All Or Nothing Mindset

Symptoms of an all or nothing mindset include saying things to yourself like:

“If I just could find a period of time in my life where I had no social obligations, no travel for work, and time to prepare my own meals at home, I could lose the weight I am struggling with”.


“Well, I already derailed my healthy eating plan for today and ate donuts for breakfast so I might as well live it up tonight and eat whatever I want and start again tomorrow”. (Diets always start on Mondays, right ;)?)

These type of thoughts are linked to the all or nothing mindset. Sometimes they are easily detectable, but often times they can come in a more subtle form. However, no matter what form they come in they are all equally harmful as they uphold an illusion that progress towards your goals is somehow rooted in perfection.

Anyone that has been hanging out here for any length of time knows we are constantly saying this:


For many of us, this is hard to wrap our mind around. Most diets/programs/detoxes demand extreme conformity and perfection and that is what we have been conditioned to believe works. But we all know if you are able to complete one of those type of diets the results never last and usually leave you worse off then when you began.

Many of these all or nothing thoughts are deeply embedded in our social programming from the fitness industry. It is of great value to become more aware of this type of thinking so it doesn’t drive all or nothing behaviors — like eating the entire box of cookies. 

One of the mantra’s I use with my clients is this: It’s just one meal, now it’s time to get right back on track.

It is totally ok to fall of your plan or what you had wanted to eat. All that matters is what you do next. Don’t let it ruin your day or the next meal. Forget about it and simply get right back on track. 

One meal can never screw up your progress!

The Power of Patience – Fat Loss Takes Time

Once you get past the idea of perfection you realize true body change (fat loss) takes time. So the very first skill we must practice is patience. And although it sounds so simple, we’ve been conditioned to believe the opposite like you can lose 30 pounds in 30 day or fill in an other ridiculous claim.

I know in this moment it sounds obvious that those kind of results don’t really happen. But when you’re in the midst of your fitness journey, finding patience with the process is never as easy as it sounds. It’s easier to blame yourself or your body. I say if you’re going to blame anybody, blame the marketing trickery of the diet/weight loss industry.

What achieves long term fat loss is consistency. And the only way you can be consistent with something is by doing it over and over in a manner that is enjoyable to you, which obviously takes time. So that is why we must develop the skill of patience with the process and trust that our body has our back. 

 Alei lost 10 pounds in 4 months. There were some months where she lost more than others. She could have easily been frustrated after month 1 that here results weren’t more. But she didn’t let that stop her. She stayed the course. She realized we’re all individual and each body works at it’s own individual pace. She focused on making small habit changes each day that allowed her to slowly change her diet in a way that was manageable, enjoyable and something she could be consistent with. This is what real & lasting transformation looks like.

The truth is changing your body does not have to be complicated, but there are a few things you need to have in place to be successful.

What To Do Next

If you’re a woman over 35 who wants to transform her mind and body with practical, real world strategies and strength training, I can help you.  The best part is you can be anywhere in the world. If you’re willing to invest and commit to your health, I’d love to have you in my online coaching program.

Right now I have a few spots open and I want to make sure I have room for you if you want in.

Just click the below button which will take you to a short questionnaire. It will take no more than 3 minutes to fill out. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible to set up a call to see if we’re a good fit. Talk soon.

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