I love the kettlebell swing! Add a barefoot element to it, and holy shit, it’s as good as it gets. Here’s a quick video tutorial from the beach in Costa Rica on how to do one properly.

The KB swing is a full body, low impact move that will build strength, improve conditioning, and torch fat. But you have to do it right! “Don’t squat the swing”  say the strength coaches out there referring to bad swing form. The swing should be a hip hinge followed by a hip snap. We’re mostly working the backside of the body with the swing.

Here’s a quick video showing you how to do a proper KB swing.

3 Reasons Why The Kettlebell Swing Kicks Ass (pun intended)

1) KB swings turn on sleepy glutes

Got chronically tight hamstrings? Or lower back pain? Well, you might have sleepy glutes, or in other words, butt muscles that aren’t fully turned on. We spend way too much time sitting in chairs, sitting in our cars, on our couches, you name it – we just sit too damn much! And that creates sleepy glutes as I like to call it. It can lead to all sorts of compensation patterns in the hamstrings and lower back which can lead to pain and possible injury. Solution – Use KB swings to turn on your glutes and make sure they are firing properly.

2) KB swings develop functional strength

Need to pick up your kids or grab that heavy piece of luggage without straining your back? Or carry heavy grocery bags up a flight of stairs? Doing KB swings will teach you the proper way to use the lower and upper body muscles together. This is vital to thriving in everyday life. Learn this skill and start moving better right away!

3) KB swings will torch body fat

If done with enough volume and intensity, KB swings can be a great tool for fat loss. The swing will crank your heart up to levels that will have you burning calories all day long. It’s my favorite form of “cardio”. Check out the workout below and give it a shot.

Sample KB swing ladder workout

Dan John, one of my favorite strength coaches, inspired this one.

Pick one other exercise to complement the swing. To make things simple I’m going to use the push-up.

Start with a lighter KB so that you keep proper form.  Ladies should work up to a 16Kg KB (35 lbs), guys should aim to work up to a 24 Kg KB (52 lbs).

Set a timer for 10 minutes. Choose your level and perform each “ladder” without rest in between.

Beginner Circuit

KB Swings – 5 reps, Push-up – 2 reps

KB Swings – 10 reps, Push-up – 4 reps

KB Swings – 15 reps, Push-up – 7 reps

That’s 1 round. Rest as needed after each round. Try to finish as many rounds in the 10 minutes.

Intermediate Circuit

KB Swings – 10 reps, Push-up – 5 reps

KB Swings – 20 reps, Push-up – 10 reps

KB Swings – 30 reps, Push-up – 15 reps

That’s 1 round. Rest as needed after each round. Try to finish as many rounds in the 10 minutes.

Advanced Circuit

KB Swings – 10 reps, Push-up – 5 reps

KB Swings – 20 reps, Push-up – 10 reps

KB Swings – 40 reps, Push-up – 20 reps

That’s 1 round. Rest as needed after each round. Try to finish as many rounds in the 10 minutes.

That’s the kettlebell swing for you today. Hope you enjoyed and happy swinging.


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