If you missed parts 1 and 2, make sure to check out how Matt dropped 4 inches from his waist and lost over 15 lbs of fat

And how Adam shed 20 lbs. and 4 inches from his waist.

Today we’re talking about Dave. 

How Dave Made Simple Changes To Lose 20 lbs & Get Stronger

I know I’ve been preaching about how progress is never linear, fat loss takes time, and you need to be patient, etc… But sometimes, you see progress that looks pretty freakin’ linear!

While steady weight loss with a linear decrease is more of an exception than the rule, it’s hard to complain about this kind of progress.

What Did Dave Do To Lose Weight & Fat?

Dave is 37-years young, works as a consultant, and has a wife and 2 little kids.

So, what happened?

Dave got great results by doing 2 simple tasks: He (1) tracked weekly drinks, and (2) became more mindful of his eating choices. That’s it.

No rules, no dieting, no restrictions.

The Power Of Simple Changes


If you read about Matt’s Transformation, you already know that I’m not a fan of extreme 30-day diet and exercise programs. To lose fat, Dave only made two changes to his lifestyle. Here’s why it worked.

1. Reduce Liquid Calories For The Biggest Impact

If you’re a moderate or heavy drinker and looking to get healthier, reducing booze intake is always a great place to start. A good target to shoot for is fewer than 10 drinks per week. If you currently have more than 15 drinks per week, this one change will have a powerful impact on your health. Your sleep will get better, energy will go up, and weight will come down.

And this is exactly what we focused on with Dave. It wasn’t about trying to be perfect, just being more aware of the choices he was making.

Dave entertained a lot for work and found himself in situations where booze was flowing. When his co-workers and clients were all drinking aggressively, it was easy for him to do the same.

The simple act of tracking weekly drinks was all it took for him to realize how many drinks he was habitually having. It wasn’t due to conscious decision making. It was the environment that was dictating his behavior. Over time, this behavior became a habit.

The simple act of awareness combined with a target of weekly drinks was all it took to make the change.

Want to learn how to manage your busy life and drink alcohol without it affecting your health? Check out this article.

Dave was able to nail his weekly drink target and still enjoy the events he was going to. Over the course of a few months, drinking less alcohol every week helped Dave lose weight and decrease his waist circumference pretty dramatically.

2. Small, Almost Unnoticeable Changes Add Up

Many of us, myself included, tend to forget how powerful small changes can be over time, and how they can add up to big noticeable changes. That’s the whole idea behind setting attainable and weekly fat loss goals that fit your individual lifestyle.

The biggest mistake I see guys make is that they get a surge of motivation — or guilt — and try to change everything at once.

Let’s eliminate sugar, bread, booze, and coffee!!

This overhaul works for about 2 weeks, and then life interjects. And let’s be honest, living like that sucks.

The truth is – you can achieve huge results, get stronger, and become leaner without changing (or giving up) everything you enjoy. In Dave’s words, 

“I’m eating much better and much less, drinking in moderation and have never felt that I was on a diet. I’m making life choices now fitting to my age. Nick opened my eyes to what was possible without it ever feeling impossible.”

Be Your Own Success Story


This story was another great example of how meaningful small changes can be over time. Once again, it’s the power of consistency, patience, and trusting the process.

If you read Matt’s story in case study #1, you’ve probably noticed the pattern of slow, steady progress coming up. This is the path to long-term sustainable results. That’s the way we roll, and if you’re interested in learning more…

What To Do Next

If you’re a guy 35-50 and you want to move better, feel stronger, and look better now than you did in your 20’s, I can help you. 100%. The best part — you can be anywhere in the world. If you’re ready to invest in and commit to your health, I’d love to have you in my online coaching program.

Right now I have a few spots open, and I want to make sure I have room for you if you want in. 

Just click the button below, which takes you to a short questionnaire that takes no more than 3 minutes to fill out. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible to set up a call to see if we’re a good fit.

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