Ya’ll there is a lot of uncertainty right now, and I am really feeling it. I’ve got all the feels, I bet you do too ;).

And one thing I know, is that feeling overwhelmed right now is super easy. Depending on your specific situation, you may feel like a house of bricks is about to fall on you.

And let’s face it — when we’re feeling overwhelmed, often times, we eeeeeat!.

It’s called stress eating..am I rightttt!?

For many of us, eating helps us deal with uncertainty and stress. It also instantly changes our state, gives us a hit of dopamine, and temporarily distracts us from what is going on.

But then after, we feel like crap. In all the ways, physically, mentally, and emotionally…which doesn’t serve us.

So I wanted to share some tools you can utilize when you feel like the brick house is about to fall on you?

💡 Tools To Manage Stress Eating 💡


🌴 Cultivate Awareness
If you cultivate awareness so that when the feeling of overwhelm shows up, you’re recognize it. This way you can become aware the moment before you make the choice and instead check in with yourself and ask:

🥕 Am I hungry?
🥕 Why am I eating this?
🥕 Is this really serving me?
🥕 What is the feeling I am desiring?
🥕 Can I find that feeling doing something else?
🥕 What can I do to soothe myself instead?

And sometimes, we’ll stress eat anyway, and that’s ok. It happens. A perfect time to acknowledge it and practice self compassion. It’s nothing to be ashamed of 💙.

We’re emotional beings and food is comfort and enjoyment. Don’t judge yourself harshly for it. Just see it for what it is, move on, and get back on track with the very next meal. It is only when we beat ourselves up and ruminate on it that we find ourselves in a downward spiral that last for weeks.

A few strategies to keep in mind:

🍓Eat regular, balanced meals. If you are getting enough protein (for your metabolism & muscles), you’ll feel more full between meals and experience less blood sugar swings.

🍓Make sure to include foods you love throughout the day – whatever they are. And when you eat these foods, really savor and enjoy them. When you do this, your relationship to these foods changes in magical ways 🦄.

🍓Make a list of things that bring you joy or relax you. So when you have the urge to eat, the moment before you make the choice, you can pull out that list and remind yourself of other things that will give you the same instant feeling, without the hangover of regret later.

On my short list are: 10-minute exercise blast, leisure walk outside, call a friend, take a bath/shower, and make a cup of tea or cocoa.

And lastly, I ask you to give yourself a double dose of kindness and compassion right now. We’re all doing our very best in unknown and unchartered territory, and in times like this, that is JUST FINE 🌝.

Sending you lots of love,


P.S. If there is something you’re struggling with or would like to hear more about, hit reply and let me know. I’ll make sure to cover it in an upcoming email. Gracias!

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